• Hello World!

    Hallo und herzlich Willkommen auf meinem kleinen Blog ✌️ Den Wunsch, irgendwie zu teilen, was mir Spaß macht und was ich an Erfahrung und Wissen weitergeben will, habe ich schon lange. Jetzt ist es endlich mal an der Zeit, das ganze in die Tat umzusetzen. Thematisch wird das hier wahrscheinlich eine bunte Mischung zwischen all…

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This is how it all started…

Passionate about people, teaching and software engineering, I am a dedicated professional with a unique blend of skills and experiences – as are all people, really. Everybody has their unique journey.

As a software engineer, I appreciate an environment that fosters craftsmanship, high quality and lifelong learning and am happy to work in a team and company that does exactly that. Foundational principles like Test Driven Development, Domain Driven Design and CI/CD allow us to deliver fast and well. Driven by a keen interest in knowledge management, I actively seek opportunities to enhance information sharing and collaboration between people but also for myself and my mental load. In my other life, as a training supervisor in the DLRG, I thrive on bringing people together and fostering a collaborative environment where individuals can learn and grow while also providing a crucial service for our society: swim and rescue swim training for everybody.

My enthusiasm for education and collaboration extends beyond the pool which is why I am looking for ways to share my experience in software engineering and knowledge management. Though I’m always ready for an impromptu ted talk about the importance of „Wasserbewältigung“ (a word that does not exist in the English language – yet) and swimming in general, if you like.

Let’s connect and explore how our shared passion for people, teaching, and software engineering can lead to the creation of something special!


Software Engineer & Swim Instructor